Ensuring that your products arrive at their destination in the same pristine condition as when they left is a crucial aspect of running an e-commerce business. As a responsible business owner, you may be required to ship your products across the country or worldwide in reliable packaging. Whether you're shipping marketing materials, clothing, or delicate handmade items, it is essential to invest in durable packaging and shipping products.
What are Poly Mailers or Shipping Bags?
Poly mailers, also known as poly bags or shipping bags, are a type of lightweight envelope made of durable plastic. They have become a popular choice among e-commerce businesses due to their tremendous benefits. Poly bags are available in various sizes, making them ideal for meeting the shipping needs of your online business.
The benefits of using poly mailers for your e-commerce needs are vast. They protect your products, provide a lightweight and affordable shipping option, offer an extension of your e-commerce branding, and make an eco-friendly option that your company can feel good about. Additionally, they offer versatility for shipping thousands of items.
Poly bags are a go-to option for many e-commerce businesses because they provide added protection from the weather, accidental tears, and punctures, and smashed or dented exteriors experienced by large, bulky boxes. While cardboard box shipping is often assumed to provide the most protection during transit, this is only sometimes the case. Protecting your products and your customers' investments should always be a top priority, and poly bags can help you achieve that.
Durability & Strength of poly mailers
To ensure that your online business delivers products in perfect condition, it's essential to use a shipping option that is sturdy and tear-resistant. Poly mailers are the perfect solution for this, as they are designed to be highly durable and reliable.
Poly mailer bags are made using a combination of polyethylene and polypropylene materials, which provide a protective barrier against ruptures, tears, and punctures. This makes them far more resistant to accidental damage in transit than cardboard boxes or paper mailers.
Although poly bags offer excellent durability on their own, there are still more options to consider for extra protection. For instance, layering packaging with a clear and robust poly bag before using the poly mailer is a simple way to add an additional layer of protection to your products. Transparent poly bags are ideal for keeping products free from dust, moisture, and debris. They are also perfect for clothing shipments, as they keep shirts pressed, lint-free, and presentable for your customer's first impression upon opening.
Saving Money - an affordable shipping option
No longer do you have to waste money on expensive shipping options. Thanks to à la mode Mailers, poly mailers are now an affordable solution that won't cut into your profits. The lightweight yet robust design of poly bags means you can save money on both packaging materials and shipping costs. What's more, they come with a self-adhesive lining, making them easy to peel and seal!
Although boxes have traditionally been the go-to shipping solution for most businesses, they are not always the most suitable option for every product. For instance, flat items such as clothing and books do not require a bulky and heavy box. Instead, it's more cost-effective to use a poly bag tailored to your item's dimensions when shipping these types of products.
Shipping fees for boxes are based on their dimensions, with carriers factoring in the weight and space your boxes will take up on their transport carriers. In contrast, poly bags take up significantly less space and are charged based on their shipping weight, making them a more economical choice.
Make an impression on your customers
Even though your e-commerce business may not have a physical storefront, you can still elevate your branding to the next level. Boost your branding game by using à la mode Mailers.
Strengthening your branding through packaging can offer numerous advantages. It is an effective way to establish a robust brand identity for your e-commerce business. Don't limit yourself to the image of a plain white poly bag. Get creative and explore the wide variety of decorative poly bag options and the branding opportunities they offer.
We offer more than just color choices for your poly mailer bags; we can also aid you in finding designs and patterns that complement your brand. Our selection includes a range of eye-catching, trendy options such as “Thank You” print, floral designs, and fashionable color themes that can add a touch of excitement to your shipping packaging. By consistently incorporating à la mode Mailers, you can set yourself apart, increase recognition, and build repeat business.
Why our poly mailers are Eco-friendly
Despite common misconceptions, plastic poly mailers can be an environmentally friendly option for shipping your products. Our design mailers come equipped with a reusable seal which can be used for returns or a 2nd use and can be recycled in any common recycle bin.
Consider the frustration of receiving a single small item in a medium-sized cardboard box and the resulting waste. You may have even inspected the item for damage caused by excessive movement in the oversized box. Although recycling poly mailers may require more effort than recycling cardboard, it is still a feasible and worthwhile process.
Poly mailers have a smaller carbon footprint than paper-based alternatives, as they require less energy to produce and recycle. Additionally, their lightweight composition makes them a more energy-efficient shipping option. If you want to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability to your customers, consider sharing these details with them.
What to look for in a poly mailer
Here are some key features to consider when comparing poly mailers:
Poly mailers don't have an "edge crush test" like corrugated materials. Instead, you should consider the thickness of the mailer and the strength of its seal. For maximum protection, look for mailers made of multiple layers with a secure seal on three sides and a strong adhesive on the top.
Opening a package with a knife or box cutter can be frustrating for customers. A precise tear strip allows for easy opening and can even make the bag reusable.
The release liner protects the adhesive until you're ready to seal the mailer. Look for a liner that's easy to peel and static-free, especially if you're handling a large number of mailers.
Although not all poly mailers have gusseted bottoms, reinforced bottoms can be useful when shipping bulky or heavy items, such as shoe boxes or thick quilts.
A dual peel and seal has two strips of adhesive protected by two release liners. You can use the top strip to send products and the bottom strip for returns.
Weak adhesive can result in tampering without a trace. Look for mailers with a strong adhesive that make it evident if someone has tried to open the package.
Choose a mailer size that fits your products comfortably, without too much extra room or flimsy corners. Order samples and test them to find the perfect size for each item. Here's a size chart with generic dimensions to help you get started.
Items that are perfect to ship in poly mailers
Do you want to know if poly mailers are suitable for your products? Thousands of e-commerce items are shipped every day using these durable bags. Here are just a few examples of products that ship well in poly mailers:
Marketing materials
Health, Wellness, and Nutritional Supplement products
Beauty products
Handmade goods
Non-fragile textiles
Poly mailers are an excellent choice for shipping fabric-based goods and some boxed items like shoes, prints, and stationary. However, they are not recommended for fragile items. If you are shipping delicate products, it's best to use corrugated boxes with appropriate protective packaging and void fill.
Moreover, poly mailers are not suitable for shipping multiple products in the same package. For instance, if you want to ship a t-shirt, wallet, and a bottle of lotion, it's better to use a box. The uneven dimensions can make it challenging to scan poly mailers during shipping, which can cause delays.
Enhancing the excitement of customers upon receiving their clothing orders can be achieved by using eye-catching packaging. This not only adds to the experience but also ensures that the apparel arrives in pristine condition.
Poly mailers provide excellent protection and preservation during transit, making them ideal for shipping any type of clothing, from sweaters to jeans. Your customers will receive their items undamaged and uncrushed, creating a positive experience that reflects well on your business.
For resellers on platforms like eBay, Poshmark, or Etsy, cost-effectiveness is crucial. By using poly mailers, you can package and ship clothes at a reasonable price, while keeping your branding consistent with custom designs like a pink rose pattern. Furthermore, avoiding the use of bulky boxes and packing materials will save you valuable space and resources.
Using our poly mailers to ship marketing material, books, and other printed media
You want your marketing pieces to arrive in perfect condition, no matter their size or quantity. By using durable and cost-effective poly bags, you can reduce shipping costs and ensure that your finished products are delivered undamaged.
Poly mailers provide weather-proof protection, which is particularly important if packages are left at the customer's door in the rain. Can you be as confident when shipping urgent orders in a typical cardboard box?
Poly bags are also an excellent option for shipping books and other printed media. Choose a bag slightly larger than your items to help maintain their shape during transit. Plus, the lightweight material of poly mailers helps to keep shipping costs low.
Whether you're shipping textbooks, planners, or manuals, poly mailers are the perfect solution for your business needs.
Using our poly mailers to ship health and beauty products
If your e-commerce store specializes in health and wellness products, consider using poly mailers for reliable and cost-effective shipping. Vitamins, supplements, and nutritional powders can be easily packaged in various poly bag sizes to ensure safe transport to your customers.
For beauty products, colorful poly mailers are a great option for shipping many of your items. While some products like perfumes and toners may require alternative packaging, poly mailers are perfect for the majority of your beauty items. Use them to package less bulky items such as mascara, lipstick and gloss, sheet masks, pore strips, color palettes, and makeup brushes.
Using our poly mailers to ship handmade goods
Many Etsy sellers and crafters swear by poly mailers as their go-to option for low-cost and protective shipping of handmade goods. Switch to à la mode Mailers to keep your shipping costs down while still sending off your items in sturdy bags with eye-catching designs.
Poly mailers are perfect for shipping less fragile handmade goods such as cloth or cloth-like goods like blankets, quilts, and clothing, knitted items, printable such as stickers, planners, and home school materials, small jewelry items in pouches, and personalized phone or device cases.
How to choose the correct shipping bag
To enhance your customer’s experience, it’s crucial to choose the correct size poly mailer for their purchase. A range of sizes should be available to accommodate small and large orders while reducing unnecessary space when shipping smaller apparel products.
When considering poly mailer options, look for ones that are both durable and weather-resistant. This will ensure that your customer’s clothing orders arrive in excellent condition, regardless of weather conditions. This extra layer of protection will ensure that your customers receive their orders in pristine condition, boosting their satisfaction with your brand.
Helpful tips for securing your items in poly mailers
To determine the best size of poly bag for your products, measure their width, length, and depth beforehand. It's best to choose a mailer that is only a few inches larger than your products to avoid unnecessary movement during shipping.
Securely seal your poly mailer with the self-adhesive flap to ensure your products arrive at their destination intact.
Why use à la mode Mailers?
Using à la mode Mailers when shipping your orders can help to create a more memorable and unique experience for your customers. By incorporating beautiful, eye-catching designs into the packaging, you can make your products stand out and leave a lasting impression on your customers. This can lead to increased brand recognition and customer loyalty, as well as positive word-of-mouth advertising. Additionally, designer poly mailers can help to protect your products during shipping and handling, as they are made from durable materials and feature secure seals and tear strips. Overall, using designer poly mailers is an effective way to elevate your brand and provide a high-quality shipping experience for your customers.